Meine erste Bücherei

Zwischen 1971 und 1978 erschien im Brönner Kinderbuch Verlag die Buchreihe Meine erste Bücherei.
Diese Sachbuchreihe ist im Orginal bei Macdonald and Company, London erschienen.

Das Format der Hardcover-Bücher beträgt 19 x 16 cm, der Umfang 32 Seiten.
Der Verkaufspreis betrug zunächst 3,50 DM und ab ca. 1975 dann 4,95 DM

Meine erste Bücherei

Diese Titel sind erschienen:

Band 01 – Am Meeresstrand | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : By the sea
Band 02 – Start in den Weltraum | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Into space
Band 03 – Tiere der Urwelt | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Prehistoric animals
Band 04 – So leben Blumen | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : How flowers live
Band 05 – Wir fliegen | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : The airline pilot
Band 06 – Das Wasser | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Water
Band 07 – Insektenvölker | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Insects that live together
Band 08 – Zahlen | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Number
Band 09 – Schiffe aus alter Zeit | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Ships of long ago
Band 10 – Unter Wasser | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Under the sea

Band 11 – Frösche und Kröten | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Frogs and toads
Band 12 – Katzen | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Cats
Band 13 – Das Wetter | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Weather
Band 14 – Wolkenkratzer | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Skyscrapers
Band 15 – Feuer | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Fire
Band 16 – Bäume und Holz | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Trees and wood
Band 17 – Piraten und Seeräuber | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Pirates and buccaneers
Band 18 – Spinnen | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Spiders
Band 19 – Cowboys | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Cowboys
Band 20 – Licht und Farbe | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Light and colour

Band 21 – Flüsse und Ströme | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Rivers and riverlife
Band 22 – Das Weltall | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : The universe
Band 23 – Die Landwirtschaft | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Farms and farmers
Band 24 – Zeit und Uhren | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Time and clocks
Band 25 – Straßen und Autobahnen | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Roads and motorways
Band 26 – Vögel und Vogelzug | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Birds and migration
Band 27 – Das Innere der Erde | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Rocks and mining
Band 28 – Schlangen und Echsen | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Snakes and lizards
Band 29 – Brücken und Tunnel | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Bridges and tunnels
Band 30 – Schiffe und Häfen | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Ports and harbours

Band 31 – Autos gestern-heute-morgen | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : The story of cars
Band 32 – Die Stadt | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Towns and cities
Band 33 – Pferde | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Horses and ponies
Band 34 – Flugzeuge gestern-heute-morgen | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Aeroplanes and balloons
Band 35 – Fotografie | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Photography
Band 36 – Fernsehen | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Television
Band 37 – Berge und Gebirge | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Mountains
Band 38 – Elektrizität | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Electricity
Band 39 – Schmetterlinge | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Butterflies and moths
Band 40 – Stoff und Kleidung | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Cloth and weaving

Band 41 – Nahrung und Ernährung | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Food and drink
Band 42 – Papier und Druck | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Paper and printing
Band 43 – Bauen und Wohnen | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Building
Band 44 – Seen und Staudämme | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Lakes and dams
Band 45 – Der Dschungel | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : The jungle
Band 46 – Die Wüste | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Deserts
Band 47 – Aussterbende Tiere | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Vanishing animals
Band 48 – Fischfang | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Fishing
Band 49 – Signale und Botschaften | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Signals and messages
Band 50 – Krebse, Muscheln, Schalentiere | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Animals with shells

Band 51 – Energie | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Fuel and energy
Band 52 – Höhlentiere | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Animals that burrow

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