Die Titel der Jolly Books

Diese Übersicht zeigt die Titel die in der Reihe Jolly Books erschienen sind. Es liegen nur die ersten 24 Heftnummern vor. Sicher sind nicht alle Titel in allen Sprachen erschienen. Möglicherweise gibt es auch Titel die nur lokal in einzelnen Ländern z.B. Frankreich erschienen sind.

Diese Liste ist noch nicht komplett.

United States of America : Spoodles The Puppy Who Learned (201)
Illustration: Bob Totten
Autor: Irma Simonton Black
Germany : Hündchen muß lernen
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Spoodles The Puppy Who Learned
Netherlands : Poenie krijgt een lesje

United States of America : Moko, the Circus Monkey (202)
Illustration: Ted Parmelee
Autor: Charles Payzant
Germany : Moko, das Äffchen
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Moko the Circus Monkey
France : Moko le singe du cirque

United States of America : The Magic Key (203)
Illustration: Sylvia Holland
Autor: Mary Francis
Germany : Der Zauberschlüssel
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : The Magic Key
Australia : The Magic Key

United States of America : Tippy Runs Away (204)
Illustration: Sylvia Holland; John F. Knight
Autor: Inez Bertail
Germany : Tupfi, der Ausreißer
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Tippy Runs Away
Australia : Tippy Runs Away

United States of America : Please Come to My Party (205)
Illustration: Duval Eliot
Autor: Susan Otto
Germany : Kommst du zu meiner Party?
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Please Come to My Party

United States of America : Boo, the Little Indian (206)
Illustration: Kendal O’Connor; Bruce Bushman
Autor: Peter Abbott
Germany : Boo, der kleine Indianer
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Boo, the Little Indian
France : Boo le petit indien

United States of America : Jumper, Santa’s Little Reindeer (207)
Illustration: Charles Payzant
Autor: Terry Shannon
Germany : Springer, das kleine Rentier
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Jumper, Santa’s Little Reindeer

United States of America : Tuffy the Truck (208)
Illustration: Basil Davidovich
Autor: Rose Wyler
Germany : Töffi, das Auto
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Tuffy the Truck

United States of America : The Jolly Bunny Book (209)
Illustration: Sylvia Holland
Autor: Chatherine F. Sellew
Germany : Das lustige Kaninchen-Buch

United States of America : Old MacDonald Had a Farm… (210)
Illustration: Margaret Jervis
Germany : Der alte Tom hat einer Farm
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Old MacDonald Had a Farm…
Australia : Old MacDonald Had a Farm…

United States of America : Rumpus the Remarkable Kitten (211)
Illustration: Charles E. Bracker
Autor: Charles E. Bracker
Germany : Rumpus, das Kätzchen
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Rumpus the Remarkable Kitten
Australia : Rumpus the Remarkable Kitten

United States of America : Little Engine Out West (212)
Illustration: Charles Payzant; John F. Knight
Autor: Nila O’Hearn
Germany : Die kleine Lokomotive
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Little Engine Out West
France : La petite locomotive

United States of America : Whose Little Boy Are You? (213)
Illustration: Charles Brackers
Autor: Betty van Witsen
Germany : Wem gehörst du, kleiner Junge?

United States of America : Princess Pat the Paddle Boat (214)
Illustration: Charles Payzant; John F. Knight
Autor: Muriel Johnstone
Germany : Pat, das Paddelboot

United States of America : When Grandma Was a Girl (215)
Illustration: Sari
Autor: Mildred Summit
Germany : Als Großmutter noch ein Mädchen war

United States of America : The Jolly Book of Mother Goose (216)
Illustration: Margaret Jervis
Autor: Margaret Jervis
Germany : Mutter Gans und ihre Kleinen
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : The Jolly Book of Mother Goose
France : Les joyeux contes de la Mère Oie

United States of America : The Owl and the Pussycat (217)
Illustration: Edward Lear
Autor: Margaret Jervis
Australia : The Owl and the Pussycat

United States of America : Jolly A B C Book of Toys (218)
Illustration: Lucille Corcos
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Jolly A B C Book of Toys

United States of America : Up Goes the House (219)
Illustration: Robert Dormus
Autor: Harry Gustavson
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Up Goes the House

United States of America : Bible Stories For Children (220)
Illustration: Jon Nielsen
Autor: Dorothy Sprague

United States of America : Fun in the Firehouse (221)
Illustration: Sari
Autor: Nila O’Hearn
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Fun in the Firehouse

United States of America : Cathy B. Careful and Billy B. Ware (222)
Illustration: Eleanore Dart
Autor: Mildred Summit
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Cathy B. Careful and Billy B. Ware
Netherlands : Kitty Kijkuit en Paultje Pasop

United States of America : Cowboy Jack the Sheriff (223)
Illustration: Aureluis Battaglia
Autor: Tommie Tabor
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Cowboy Jack the Sheriff
France : Le Cowboy Jack le Sheriff

United States of America : Little Peter What’s-My-Name (224)
Illustration: Charles Bracker
Autor: Mickey Klar Marks
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Little Peter What’s-My-Name
France : Petit Pierre qui suis je?
Netherlands : Kleine Peter, wat ben je?

Pancho the Burro – 1955
Illustration: James Caraway
Autor: Helen M.Peters
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Pancho the Burro
Australia : Pancho the Burro
France : Pancho le petit ane Têtu

The Magic Flying Carpet – 1960
Illustration: Henry Meyer
Autor: Mary H. Zimmerman
France : Le Tapis Volant

Merry Mouse and his trip to the Moon – 1960
Illustration: Jack Coggins
Autor: Alma Coggins
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Merry Mouse and his trip to the Moon
Australia : Merry Mouse and his trip to the Moon

The runaway puppets – 1960
Illustration: Robert J Lee
Autor: Robert J Lee
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : The runaway puppets
France : Le Voyage de Lily et Lulu

Les Joyeux Chevaux de Bois – 1962
Illustration: Margaret Jervis
Autor: Irwin Shapiro
France : Les Joyeux Chevaux de Bois

Surprise Party – 1963
Illustration: André Dugo
Autor: Margot Andrew
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Surprise Party
France : Surprise Party

I like Boats – 1963
Illustration: Roberta Carter
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : I like Boats
France : J’aime les bateaux

A Trip to the farm – 1963
Illustration: Frans Van Lamsweerde
Autor: Del Connell
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : A Trip to the Farm
France : Une visite à la ferme

Bubble and Squeak go Fishing – 1963
Illustration: F. Casanovas
Autor: F. Casanovas
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Bubble and Squeak go Fishing

Une promenade avec Papa
Illustration: Robert J Lee
Autor: Robert J Lee
France : Une promenade avec Papa
Netherlands : Een wandeling met vader

Außerdem gibt es noch wenige Titel die ich bisher noch nicht weiter zuordnen konnte:

France : Le Voyage de Poupées
France : Petit Pierre
France : Une Journée a la campagne avec papa / Illustration: A. Dugo
Netherlands : De theevisite van de poppen / Illustration: Sharon Bannigan
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Rapunzel
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Longbill and his Horse Ginger – 1963

Die französischen Titelangaben stammen aus dem Hemma Catalogue 1963 sowie von der Rückseitenliste eines Heftes. So könnte es sein, dass die Titelangaben aus dem Katalog noch nicht endgültig waren und nochmals überarbeitet wurden. Dann könnte sich folgendes ergeben haben:

Titel 1 könnte eine Titel-Version von Le Voyage de Lily et Lulu sein.
Titel 2 könnte eine Titel-Version von Petit Pierre qui suis je? sein.